LWIF X EP33: Quality of Life in Japan: Q+A v4

In this month’s Q+A about life in Japan, I answer questions about the quality of life. To ask questions in next month’s Q+A, support on Patreon.

– 0:18 What’s the income distribution among rich and poor like (inequality source http://www.compareyourcountry.org/inequality?lg=en and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_equality)?

– 7:46 How hard is it to make friends who speak English?

– 9:25 How is the entertainment in Japan?

– 11:44 What are the most common beverages to order when dining in Japan?

– 15:30 Renting vs. buying

– 18:16 Difference between Japanese police and ambulance

– 20:14 I’d love to know your thoughts on small talk

– 21:16 Do the kids need to attend the after school tutorial classes?

– 23:11 Do you see yourself living in rural Japan after your kids start working?

– 23:55 What’s socially acceptable in Japan, and what’s not socially acceptable?